
Monday, August 17, 2020

Acorns VS leaves!

One fateful day there was an acorn. That acorn made a lot of Acorn friends and made more and more. Then made a big family. But then it was  and the leaves came  / bad guys. All the leaves were trying to invade the acorns. So all the time they were trying to make a secret base so then the leaves will not know where they are. They built it under-ground. But one day there were a lot of grads rushing through the acorn village. One grade was walking to an acorn hut but that leaf fell into a hole and that led to the secret base. All the leafs crowded the hole and said that it is the acorn's secret base. All the acorns were scared. One of them said a leaf. But the acorn army came and ripped the leaf. But more and more came on and some could not survive. Only 30 could survive.  The leader's name is Jonathan. It went on for generations and generations. So they all tried to get revenge. All of them. Cut some wood and make a new village under water so then the leaves will float so that is what they did. (the king leaf) hurry up we have no time, we need to find those acorns and crush them like a little weak stick. So the acorns were going as fast as they could to stop the king leaf from wiping them. Back to the leaves, they were staying under water till they could make a n army of acorns. “So much that they will cry”. A few weeks  later, (king Acorn) “Go Go Go! Come on  we don't have enough time the ship will collapse”. Luckily they all escaped. But some of their guns were gone. So they copped some wood to fight the leaves

if you like this story you can get an acorn and a leaf and make them fight like the story!

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