
Monday, November 25, 2019


Over the past few weeks, we have been learning to write both formal and informal letters. Here is an example of a letter I wrote about a political event in New Zealand's past.

Top team 2019

In the morning of top team I did not know what it was. After lunch top team started we did it with the year 7-8's. two of the challenges we involved favorite activity was the sling shot me Blake and Louis were the ones to fire the beanbags it went so far that only Mostyn was the one to catch one of the bean bag. There were 12 activity's all of them were exiting. the most challenging one was the water bus every one in the group has a bucket one of them fill it up with water and dunk it on the other person bucket you keep on doing it till you have it in the bucket, the one with the most water in the end wins.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Over the past few weeks, we have been learning to write both formal and informal letters. Here is an example of a letter I wrote about a political event in New Zealand's past.
73 Cornwell st
YEET city
347 634 6275
Dear Prime Minister
I want to talk to you about how racism is affecting this country. It is still happening as we speak. I strongly believe the South Africans should not be able to be in NZ, the way they think about racism's just appalling. Their rugby team should not be allowed to play here because their country does not treat all their people fairly.

Sincerely Julian

Friday, November 15, 2019

My neighbors!

My neighbors are very very kind. I have 11 kids in my street these are the names Max, Lucas, Kaitlin, Liam, Page, Katy, William, Jacob, Olivia, Diego and Oliver. William, Jacob and Olivia are from St Francis of Assisi School like me. Luckily we have a park in our street but it is pretty boring.
_________________________________________________________________________________Image result for friends"

Monday, November 11, 2019

on Christmas

One Christmas I did not know what to bring to Auckland. I could bring my Chromebook, my Lego's or my drawing book because they have no paper at there house. and what I mean about them is my dads family my dads mum is called Te-ta. Te-ta has 4 children two girls and two boys. One of them is my dad. Louis the funny one, To-to the smart one and Dano the my auntie one. I will bring every thing my Chromebook, my Lego's and my drawing book. that is what I am doing for Christmas. :)