
Friday, October 30, 2020

Math T4 WK 3 2020

"Hi for math this week we have been learning about adding measurements.

For math this week I learned that you need to add the full numbers before the decimals.

In the workshops  everyone had to answer a question that the teacher asked us.

Learning goal: L3 - use linear scales and whole numbers of metric units for length."

"I hope you enjoyed my satisfying math!"

do you already know this type of math?

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

This week I am doing probability, this is my work.

I hope you understand probability a bit better now. 

Thank you, bye bye.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Hanging up Koinobori!

Hello world.

Koinobori is a fish made out of fabric that you hang up on a high pole or tree.

Koinobori is a Japanese tradition for boys on the 5th of May every year. We have four different kinds of fish because we are a family of four, it depends how many people are in your family. They're not real fish.

They are very beautiful and your Neighbors are very happy when they see it, well most of the time. The child fish is about 150 cm tall and the color is blue. The mother fish is about 3m tall and it is orange, the father fish is about 4.5m tall and the color is gray, we hang them up because we wish for children to grow strong and healthy like the fish are swimming strongly in the sky.

We usually hang them up Poles but we don’t have enough space to put a pole so we decided to put them on our tree. Not many people in New Zealand know much about it, because this is Japanese tradition.

Do you think they will be for girls as well some day?

Monday, August 17, 2020

Acorns VS leaves!

One fateful day there was an acorn. That acorn made a lot of Acorn friends and made more and more. Then made a big family. But then it was  and the leaves came  / bad guys. All the leaves were trying to invade the acorns. So all the time they were trying to make a secret base so then the leaves will not know where they are. They built it under-ground. But one day there were a lot of grads rushing through the acorn village. One grade was walking to an acorn hut but that leaf fell into a hole and that led to the secret base. All the leafs crowded the hole and said that it is the acorn's secret base. All the acorns were scared. One of them said a leaf. But the acorn army came and ripped the leaf. But more and more came on and some could not survive. Only 30 could survive.  The leader's name is Jonathan. It went on for generations and generations. So they all tried to get revenge. All of them. Cut some wood and make a new village under water so then the leaves will float so that is what they did. (the king leaf) hurry up we have no time, we need to find those acorns and crush them like a little weak stick. So the acorns were going as fast as they could to stop the king leaf from wiping them. Back to the leaves, they were staying under water till they could make a n army of acorns. “So much that they will cry”. A few weeks  later, (king Acorn) “Go Go Go! Come on  we don't have enough time the ship will collapse”. Luckily they all escaped. But some of their guns were gone. So they copped some wood to fight the leaves

if you like this story you can get an acorn and a leaf and make them fight like the story!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

How is popcorn made

 How is popcorn made?

First, you get the corn and dry it so you can actually turn it into corn that can turn into popcorn, When the kernel heats up you can put in the corn in, that makes it pop. Secondly, when the popcorn is in the kernel it starts to expand while it is expanding they put flavor. There are several different kinds of popcorn. Then, after three to five minutes you put a little oil on it. A microwave is like a kernel. It does the same thing as the kernel but it comes in a bag that you can just put the whole bag in the microwave. The popcorn bag is made from laminated paper.

if you like popcorn then i hope you enjoyed it!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

how to make a chocolate cake in five minutes

How to make a chocolate cake in five minutes!

Mix all of the ingredients in a microwaveable container with lid a little bit open.

Put the lid on and leave it half shut.

Secondly keep the lead a little bit open.

Reduce the microwave power to 600-W 4 three min.

When 3 minutes is over flip it on a plate and quickly cover it with food wrap.
Don't forget to leave no air in the food wrap because if you don't use food wrap it will be hard.

2 tbs   self-rising flour.                              THANK YOU FOR READING!
4 tbs   cocoa powder.                                          hope you enjoyed!
4 tbs   sugar.
2 tbs   oil.
chocolate chip
2 eggs.

Triple Chocolate Cake Recipe | Sally's Baking Addiction

Thursday, June 25, 2020

JC' WK 11 math follow-up

    For this week we had to solve simple ratio And rate problems     ( This is mine )
    Do you know this strategy?
    Thank you for reading, if you did
    Bye bye